Not sure about what working and what’s not in your digital marketing channels or strategy? n3wmedia can help. Our Digital Marketing Audits and Digital Ready reviews give you the answers you need.
what are digital marketing audits and digital ready reviews.
We work collaboratively with your team, reviewing each of your marketing channels to identify where performance is strong and where you are missing opportunities. By working with your team, we increase your internal awareness for the future and build understanding through the audit process rather than simply presenting a report at the end. Consider this a blend of audit, analysis and education. Where do we look:
- Websites and Apps
- Marketing Automation, workflows and data driven actions
- Search and content marketing
- Social media: content, advertising, engagement management, influencer leverage
- Display Advertising
- Search Optimisation and Discoverability
- Eco system leverage and partnerships
The outcomes from our audit activity is far more than another report. We provide actionable insights, played back to you via a series of workshops and ordered into a roadmap of activities; mindful of your available time, financial constraints and impact of making a change. The kind of insights you might expect:
- Brand Gap Analysis
- Competitor Landscape Mapping
- Brand Propositioning
- Brand & Offer Discoverabilty
- Technical & Legal Digital Asset Compliance
- Copy Effectiveness
Practical, actionable, advice from independent experts to help you get more value from your existing investment in Digital Marketing.